The Built Environment
Sustainable Construction for a Sustainable Future
Environmental and climate science has revealed time and again the importance of sustainability in building design, and at DU we've integrated that knowledge not just into our existing campus structures but also into our plans for the future of our community.
Buildings are among the most significant contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, energy use and waste accumulation, and a healthier future for the environment relies on our ambition in the present. That's why we’ve retrofitted our buildings to achieve higher water and energy efficiency, and why our long-term Campus Framework Plan is written around a goal of massively reducing overall emissions and providing a campus environment that supports our goals in sustainability.
Along the way, we're working to integrate more seamlessly with our surrounding community, building a hub in central Denver that will serve as an example of how sustainable development can work on college campuses.
6 LEED-certified buildings
5 million dollars invested in DU Green Fund
1st Cross-Laminated Timber Building in Colorado
LEED Certified Buildings

Ricketson Law Building: Gold
Ricketson became the nation's first LEED Gold Certified law school building in 2003, and includes a rain collection cistern, low-impact water fixtures and highly efficient windows that retain heat while allowing in natural light.

Ruffatto Hall: Gold
At Ruffatto Hall, which houses the Morgridge College of Education, 93 percent of occupied spaces feature outdoor viewing access, and water-efficient landscaping reduces water waste.

Nagel Hall: Gold
One of our largest undergraduate residence halls, Nagel Hall is built with masonry that reduces the number of heating and cooling days needed per year, and also features low-flow water fixtures and a copper roof made from 95 percent recycled material.

Administrative Office Building: Gold
Completed in 2018 in order to house several administrative units such as Shared Services, Alumni Engagement, and Advancement, the Administrative Office Building (AOB) was awarded LEED Gold for a design that optimizes natural daylighting and reduced energy consumption.

Anderson Academic Commons: Silver
Our central library and hub of student activity has been renovated and awarded LEED Gold Certification for its efficient windows, building materials, reduced waste processing and low-flow water fixtures. These renovations turned the library into a vibrant central hub of campus, while cutting electricity consumption in half.

Margery Reed Hall: Silver
A major academic and administrative space on campus, Margery Reed Hall received an update that was awarded LEED Gold Certification thanks to reductions in emissions and water usage.